Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guest Author

What would Fran say? "Hello cherished readers."

This is Chip writing.

Frannie is in the hospital, and we're not sure when she's going to be able to post. Characteristically, she was concerned about you all. "They'll think I just abandoned them."

Her breathing has gotten really bad, and her choices are limited. We're trying to get her name on the Columbia-Presbyterian transplant list.

So. Prayers accepted from those of you who are of that persuasion. And from the rest of you, you know who you are, good mojo? Positive energy? Anything...send it our way.


  1. Mojo to gogo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We love you Fran. Rob/Sarah/Henson/Tuesday

  2. Wishing you both strength and hope and positive energy. Hugs and my love to Fran. You're both in my thoughts.

  3. Our prayers, mojo, positive energy & more are with you both.

